## Warning for package bearlibterminal ## The following compiler flags have been specified in the package description file. They are handled by DUB and direct use in packages is discouraged. Alternatively, you can set the DFLAGS environment variable to pass custom flags to the compiler, or use one of the suggestions below: -m32mscoff: Use --arch=x86/--arch=x86_64/--arch=x86_mscoff to specify the target architecture, e.g. 'dub build --arch=x86_64' source/terminal.d(224,83): Error: `@safe` function `BearLibTerminal.terminal.get` cannot call `@system` function `std.conv.to!string.to!(char*).to` /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/generated/linux/release/64/../../../../../phobos/std/conv.d(219,7): `std.conv.to!string.to!(char*).to` is declared here source/terminal.d(251,114): Error: `corners.ptr` cannot be used in `@safe` code, use `&corners[0]` instead source/terminal.d(289,51): Error: `buf.ptr` cannot be used in `@safe` code, use `&buf[0]` instead /opt/dmd-safe/dmd/dmd-safe failed with exit code 1.